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Microsoft Excel


    Microsoft Excel
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Viewing and editing spreadsheets on your phone has never been easier

Microsoft Corporation | 8 more apps |
updated on February 28, 2025
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115.4mb | free


Completely free and easy to use
Modern design
All features from the desktop version are available


Editing charts is somewhat clumsy
Microsoft Excel
Price: $
Creating spreadsheets has always been associated with offices and desktop computers or laptops. However, people are in need of being able to access these documents on the go. Excel has always been one of the most complicated programs from the Office suite and it will be interesting to see how well it performs on the mobile screen.

Microsoft Excel is available for free on the Android platform as a part of the Office suite. Its design is quite modern and it looks similar to the Office 2016 design. The home screen enables you to either open a spreadsheet or create a new one. After that, you are greeted by the Excel's familiar cells.

Tapping a cell selects it and double-tapping opens your keyboard and enables you to edit its contents. There is an arrow button which can be used to switch between the keyboard and the menu bar. The menu bar contains the following tabs: Home, Insert, Draw, Formulas, Data, Review, and View.

The Home tab does the heavy lifting when it comes to basic text management and formatting. The Insert tab can be used to insert pictures, tables, shapes, and most importantly, charts. However, make sure you select the data you want to include in the chart before inserting it as adding data afterward is difficult.

Drawings can be added in the Draw tab and formulae can be inserted in the Formulas tab. We must say that the list of formulae is the same as for the desktop version. Data, Review and View tabs have had their features stripped down when compared to the desktop version. Still, the app will satisfy your every need when it comes to spreadsheet editing and viewing!
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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Available in multiple languages


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